1. What is Learning Support?

  • A series of structured interactions between learners and the Learning Support educators with the purpose of empowering the learner with new skills or knowledge.
  • The interactions are based on the needs of the learner as demonstrated during informal or formal assessments in a written or oral format, assignments, homework, class activities, homework and assessment corrections.

2. Who receives Learning Support?

  • At risk learners (at risk of not meeting the pass requirements of a subject).
  • Learners who missed work due to absenteeism.
  • Learners who are underachieving (due to e.g. behavioural problems, reading/ comprehension).
  • Learners who are unable to manage time/tasks or meet deadlines / due dates.

3. Who identifies learners for intervention / Learning Support

  • Subject teacher, LS teacher, Psychologist, Librarian, Scribe, Class assistants/facilitators, Parent, Learner

4. When are learners needing Learning Support identified?

  • As soon as a learner is at risk of failing a subject (subject teacher identifies).
  • As soon as learner shows a pattern of absence
  • As soon as a learner is absent for medical reasons, operation, hospitalisation
  • As soon as learner starts to miss deadlines / due dates for tasks.
  • As soon as scribe picks up gaps in knowledge during a test/exam (i.e. has learnt, but cannot give answers back)
  • As soon as parent(s) request.
  • As soon as learner indicates he/she needs help.
  • As soon as any other staff member discovers a need for learning support.
  • At handovers (e.g. Gr 7 teachers)

5. How do educators determine and plan intervention / Learning Support strategies and content?

  • Analyse (look for patterns in) formal and informal assessments, then determine the learners’ needs.
  • Analyse homework, assignments and co-operative learning; determine needs.
  • Analyse answers and responses during class; determine needs.
  • Plan interventions according to learner’s needs and his/her “gaps in knowledge/skills.”
  • School-based Support Team meeting decisions and awareness of learners’ barriers to learning.

6. How & when does Learning Support take place?

The whole class (scheduled on the timetable)

  • Math rote 1 lesson per week (Grades 8 & 9)
  • Reading skills 1 lesson per week (Grades 8 & 9)
  • Study skills 1 lesson per week (Grades 8 – 12)

Small group (per arrangement)

  • to a group with a common need (could be subject-specific)
  • providing learning material in audio format

Individual (per arrangement)

  • in class during a lesson, or
  • in the Learning Support class
  • extra worksheets/homework tasks dealing with specific skills/knowledge, e.g. a structured reading programme